A Message From Michael Dyer

A Message From Michael Dyer


“It is impossible to predict the true ramifications of a global pandemic and our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who have been affected. We are confident that as responsible global citizens and travellers we will all come together to secure the future of wild places such as Borana Conservancy. As the prime economic driver for conservation which supports the protection of critical habitats around the globe, tourism must continue once this pandemic has passed.

We would like to encourage all the wonderful people who have visited Borana Conservancy in the past and benefited from the extraordinary experiences, along with those that have plans to travel in the future, to keep the plans fluid and keep dreaming. Nature never stops. Our continuing ability to maintain, protect and nurture the wilderness, its flora, fauna and people, depends on your continued engagement and support. We urge you to postpone rather than cancel.

We remain cautiously optimistic about the measures enforced by the Kenyan Government to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and praise them for the steps which have been taken. Borana Conservancy is a large protected landscape with managed entry points in place to ensure the safety of wildlife. These entry and exit points are continuously monitored and will be paramount in the prevention of the spreading of this virus within the conservancy.

Although we have not yet weathered this storm, we want to encourage you all to look forward to brighter times, wilder times and those filled with adventure.

Take this time to reflect the way you travel to ensure that when you travel you are having the most positive impact possible. Consider staying longer, to make deeper connections with people and places.

Borana Conservancy is home to five outstanding properties offering true comfort and a safe refuge when this storm has passed. These five properties are isolated within a protected area and as travel restrictions are lifted, we hope that an extended stay on Borana will be a preferred option and the perfect tonic for travellers looking to
re-connect with nature.

Borana Conservancy and Lewa Wildlife Conservancy are deeply imbedded and part of a wider community. We will continue to provide support to many of our outreach projects and collaboratively will protect the natural capital that we are so invested in. We will keep rivers flowing, endangered species secure and above all protect our staff and the wider community long into the future.


Michael Dyer
Managing Director, Borana Conservancy

To find out more about Borana Lodge and the activities available, visit our dedicated page here, if your interested in staying at this location then get in touch via reservation@scckenya.com

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