
All rights, including copyright to the content of these web pages are owned and controlled by The Safari and Conservation Company (SCC). Under no circumstances are you permitted to copy, broadcast, store, transmit, download, share in public or change the images and content displayed. Please note, that the images on this site are either owned by SCC or by our friends and partners on the ground. In the case of supplied images, we have used the photographs in good faith and for the sole purpose of promoting the camps and lodges


The Safari and Conservation Company has taken all reasonable care in producing these web pages which we believe to be accurate.

While we endeavour to make sure the information on these web pages are correct and up to date,  the website is designed primarily to give you information and inspiration for booking a safari. We therefore recommend that you should always verify information with relevant suppliers, associations or authorities before acting upon it. We do not accept any errors or omissions presented in the webpages.

The Safari and Conservation Company will not be held liable for any actions you may take as a result of the information displayed on this website.